M. Martina MacDonald
Obituary For M. Martina MacDonald
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our beloved mother -M. Martina MacDonald 85 - at her home in Halifax - peacefully in her bed with family near.
She is survived by her two children, daughter - J. Denice Mailhot (son) Maxwell ; and son -Derek B.MacDonald (wife)Tamara (daughters) Jane, Emma, and Kate. Also immediate family, Etta Essimbre (sister), Mona Seward (sister) and Shirley Samson (sister-in-law).
She is predeceased by (husband) R. Bruce MacDonald (brother) Lloyd Sampson (deceased wife Kathy) and (brother) Carl Sampson (wife Shirley).
Martina was a secretary for the Nova Scotia liquor commission in Halifax before she was married then became a wonderful homemaker. She helped raise two children with her loving husband Bruce. She loved socializing with friends and family; baking, bowling ,playing cards and camping. Also an avid crafter :knittIng, crochet, sewing ,quilting, Cross-stitch to name a few. Her kindness and uplifting spirit was always well received.
The last few years she lived with her daughter Denice and grandson Max in Halifax. She loved to do cryptoquotes ; read a good non-fiction book ; knitting, especially little socks for the IWK Children’s Hospital and of course, a good square of dove chocolate.
Martina “Tina “ will be cremated per her wishes and buried beside her husband Bruce in Louisdale , CapeBreton.
A service will precede this in Louisdale - no service will be in Halifax.
Arrangements will be made according to the Church and Parish Cemetery Group considering the weather.
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