

Myron "Bill" William Fenton

Passed 01/19/2023


Obituary For Myron "Bill" William Fenton

Age 85, Bedford NS. Bill was the son of the late Myron and Ena (Custance) Fenton. He was a proud graduate of Rothesay Collegiate school where he made many lifelong friends. He and his loving wife Patricia (Curry) celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary in April 2022. For the first 25 years of their marriage, they resided and raised their family in Fredericton, NB, where he practiced law after graduating from the University of New Brunswick School of Law. Their desire to be closer to family brought them back to his hometown of Bedford in 1987. His sense of community landed him on the Board of the Metropolitan Authority, which at the time oversaw both municipal transit and waste resources. He later became the Chairman where he served until the amalgamation of HRM. His “second” retirement left him plenty of time to enjoy his grandchildren, Daniel (Boudreau), Will and Lauren (Fenton). In addition to his wife and grandchildren, Bill is survived by his daughter, Mary Beth (Normand Dube), and his son Billy (Jo-Ann Clark). He was predeceased by his sister Mary and infant granddaughter. Donations in his memory may be made to the Nova Scotia Nature Trust or Cobequid Health Centre Foundation.

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  • 02/06/2023

    Dear Pat, We are saddened by your loss. Our thoughts are with you and your family at this time. Pat and Bill Roy

  • 01/31/2023

    Mary Beth, Bill and Pat and families My sincere sympathy. John thought a lot of Bill and you, Pat. They used to talk up a storm every time John saw him. My thoughts are with you. May the rest of this year be better. Anne Marie

  • 01/30/2023

    Hello Pat. Just heard of Bill's passing and want to wish you and your family the best..... Bill and I were such good friends at Rothesay and I have such fond memories. ... I'm struck by the fact that if you live long enough all you are left with are your memories .... Maynard Shore..

  • 01/29/2023

    Dear Billy. Sorry to read about your Dad's passing. Please accept my sympathies. Sincerely, Sean Layden

  • 01/28/2023

  • 01/26/2023

    Pat, Mary Beth, Bill and Family, our sincere condolences. We have some wonderful memories of conversations during dinners together. Our thoughts are with your families during this time. Lynn Kazamel-Boudreau and John Boudreau

  • 01/26/2023

    Patricia, Mary Beth, Bill and families, our hearts and prayers go out to you in this difficult time. Please accept our sincere condolences. The Calgary Grants

  • 01/26/2023

    Pat, Mary Beth, Bill and families: Very saddened to hear of big Bill's passing. 😢 I have many fond memories of our chats when he would call the office for MB or Bill. My deepest condolences to all for your loss. Take care of yourselves and each other. Gail Best

  • 01/26/2023

    Dear Pat, Billy and Mary Beth, we are so sorry for your loss of a wonderful husband and father. He was an interested Bedfordite and contributed to our enjoyment of community. Our thoughts are with you and your family.

  • 01/25/2023

    We are thinking of you all during this difficult time Gord and Shelley Vail and family

  • 01/25/2023

    Really sorry to hear this Take care of each other. Much love

  • 01/25/2023

    Big Man, Big Heart always words of wisdom and a smile on his face. Bill was just such a great man. I will miss him and will cherish the time I was able to be around he and all the family

  • 01/25/2023

    Mary Beth, My sincere condolences to you and your brother, Bill and your mother on the passing of your dad. I always enjoyed my professional association with him at the Metropolitan Authority and also hearing all the great Bedford stories. I remember his wonderful mother and sister as well. Take comfort in all your memories. Lori Patterson, Bedford

  • 01/24/2023

    I greatly enjoyed our conversations and Bills particular insights on politics, golf and the old days in Bedford. He was never shy expressing unvarnished opinions. We will miss that.

  • 01/24/2023

    Pat, Mary Beth and Bill, my deepest sympathy to you for the loss of Bill. It was a pleasure to hear the stories from the Old Ole Days growing up in Bedford when the guys met on Saturday morning for coffee. It was special. Jeanette MacLean

  • 01/24/2023

    Pat, So sorry to hear of Bill's passing, enjoyed knowing you both as neighbours. My sympathy to all your family. Sincerely, Ninette Babineau

  • 01/24/2023

    Pat,children and grand children! Sharon and I wish to convey our most sincere condolences. We were neighbours for over 20 years and I always valued your friendship and your presence in our condo family .

  • 01/24/2023

    So sorry to hear of Bill's passing. I greatly enjoyed talking with Bill and drinking his rum. We often sat and chatted about life, land, development, old Bedford, deals, and antics over the years (most best left for another day!). Bill was a character for sure, tight with a penny, but a sharp mind, a kind heart, and a great love for family. Rest easy my friend...

  • 01/24/2023

    Pat and family, so very sorry to hear of Bill's passing. I truly enjoyed every visit with Bill. My deepest sympathies to all . Mom and dad were so sad to hear about Bill. Thank you for calling them Pat. They send their sympathies and love . Take care. Nancy Cousins and Boyd and Claire MacDonald

  • 01/24/2023

    I'm so sorry to learn of Bill's passing. We first met when I attended Rothesay Collegiate School, in 1949. We later served together on the Town of Bedford Planning Advisory Committee. My sympathy to Bill's entire family.

  • 01/24/2023

    We were saddened to hear of Bill's passing. Darrell enjoyed his chats with Bill at The Port and held him in high esteem. Our heartfelt condolences to the entire Fenton family. Hugs and prayers. Alma and Darrell Jerrett

  • 01/24/2023

    Mary Beth and Bill,sorry to read about your Dad's passing.Paul and Nora-Jean Jardine

  • 01/24/2023

    Mary Beth, I was sorry to read of your Dad's passing. Please accept my sincere condolences. Anne Peverill, Liverpool.

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