

M. Martina MacDonald


Obituary For M. Martina MacDonald

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our beloved mother -M. Martina MacDonald 85 - at her home in Halifax - peacefully in her bed with family near.

She is survived by her two children, daughter - J. Denice Mailhot (son) Maxwell ; and son -Derek B.MacDonald (wife)Tamara (daughters) Jane, Emma, and Kate. Also immediate family, Etta Essimbre (sister), Mona Seward (sister) and Shirley Samson (sister-in-law).

She is predeceased by (husband) R. Bruce MacDonald (brother) Lloyd Sampson (deceased wife Kathy) and (brother) Carl Sampson (wife Shirley).

Martina was a secretary for the Nova Scotia liquor commission in Halifax before she was married then became a wonderful homemaker. She helped raise two children with her loving husband Bruce. She loved socializing with friends and family; baking, bowling ,playing cards and camping. Also an avid crafter :knittIng, crochet, sewing ,quilting, Cross-stitch to name a few. Her kindness and uplifting spirit was always well received.

The last few years she lived with her daughter Denice and grandson Max in Halifax. She loved to do cryptoquotes ; read a good non-fiction book ; knitting, especially little socks for the IWK Children’s Hospital and of course, a good square of dove chocolate.

Martina “Tina “ will be cremated per her wishes and buried beside her husband Bruce in Louisdale , CapeBreton.

A service will precede this in Louisdale - no service will be in Halifax.

Arrangements will be made according to the Church and Parish Cemetery Group considering the weather.

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  • 01/31/2025

    To: Denice, Derek, & Family Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family in this time of sorrow. It is said that when we lose a loved one here on earth, we gain an angel in heaven that watches over us. Your mom will always be watching over you and your family. We extend our most sincere condolences. Love: Anita, Diane & Steven Drummond

  • 01/30/2025

    She was a sweetheart. Another angel gone to heaven. Rest in peace, Mrs. M.

  • 01/30/2025

    RIP Aunt Tina. Remember one time when we were kids we spent Christmas with Uncle Bruce and Aunt Tina's. They had Santa Claus stop over. We had so much fun that year. I will always cherish it. Love you Aunt Tina.

  • 01/30/2025

    RIP Mrs MacDonald. Thanks for all your love and kindness over many years. You will be missed.

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