

Edward "Ted" Hill Jones

Passed 03/01/2022


Obituary For Edward "Ted" Hill Jones

Edward (Ted) Hill Jones , Age 68 of Toronto, Ontario passed away on Tuesday March 1 2022 at his home in Halifax.

Born in Windsor, Ontario he was the son of the late Henry (Harry) Jones and Ivy Jones from Toronto, Ontario.

He grew up in the graphics industry at a young age with his father. He continued painting for the remainder of his life, creating a large body of work.

He is Survived by long time Friend, Terry Draper.

Ted will be cremated and returned to Toronto.

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  • 03/24/2022

    I met Ted in Halifax and Ted never shied away from anything and always offered to help I now see what he did previous to Halifax and I had no idea Definitely missing Ted in Halifax. Rest in piece.

  • 03/23/2022

    A true talent. A friend who was always quick to answer and help. He was a good soul..and now, he walks on on those landscapes he created on canvas. Thank you made an impact. Mark Hershberger

  • 03/23/2022

    I only came to Klaatu though his artwork. I will always thank him for that! Rip ted

  • 03/22/2022

    Ted and I were home room buds through high school. Years later by chance we reconnected in Muskoka and shared some great memories and enjoyed interesting conversations. Since then we stayed in touch through Facebook. He was a good, sincere and epically talented individual. Sincere condolences to family and friends.

  • 03/22/2022

    I knew Ted's work through his Klaatu album covers, as well as those for Terry Draper. His imagery was - and will remain - iconic, for all of us who marveled at his ability to visually transport us to places the music took us on a different plane. He was a tremendous artist.

  • 03/22/2022

    Ted was a brilliant artist who helped bridge music and art together to make masterpieces.

  • 03/22/2022

    His art defined some of my favourite music and for that I will always be grateful to this talented man. I hope his new world is as wonderful as his art.

  • 03/22/2022

    Ted was an incredibly talented artist. He was an even better man. It was my honour to know him as both a creative force and as a friend. He will be missed.

  • 03/22/2022

    Ted's art was an inspiration to all who saw it! Prayers for all of you in his family! May he Rest In Peace!

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