Gail Grimes

Passed 05/29/2022


Obituary For Gail Grimes

How does one describe my dearest friend Gail? She was totally loyal to her family, her blended family, her friends and her job. She had an infectious smile and laugh, she was vibrant, sweet, full of life, lively and genuine, a beautiful soul with a zest for life, she will be missed by many!

Family was first and foremost, father Nels, mother Gwen, brothers Perry and Dave, then her nephews and nieces by Perry and Sandy, then her great nephews by Jake, Tim and Saxon, Perry and Sandy's children. She was a champion for all of them, ever so proud of all their achievements. Her loyalty and sense of family no doubt came from Nels and Gwen. As a side note Nels and Gwen were like second parents to me. I was welcome at #1 Alcock no matter what time of the day or night it was. This friendship also allowed me to join the family when they visited Gail's Uncle Ross in Port de Grave NL. Between the Grimes' boat and my boat we spent many wonderful happy summers boating on Gander Lake and picnicking on the beach at 15 Mile Brook.

Back when Gail told her parents that she was moving out of her apartment in Dartmouth NS to move in with future husband Gord and his four children, Margaret, the youngest, was 12 at the time, then there were Colin, Jason and Sammy, her mother Gwen only had one comment: "Couldn't you find a minister and a church on the way from your place to Gord's?!" I still chuckle over Gwen's comment! Gail's 40th birthday was on Sunday, December 13, 1992 and she and Gord married 6 days later on Saturday, December 19, 1992. It took time but all of them became a blended family. All of a sudden at 40 Gail was a wife and a mother, a grandmother would come later with Sammy and Colin. She loved it. She had a new family to champion and championed them she did. Gail had asked me to give the toast to the bride at the wedding. I still laugh as I recall Gail and her maid-of-honour and BFF Bev huddling wondering what Gander stories I would let loose on the wedding guests. Gail lived 5 minutes from the McCarthy's and Bev lived next door to me and we were a pretty tight bunch. I kept it light and clean so they had no worries. It was at that time that I met Gord's parents Gord Sr and Dorothy (Dot). During my first sit-down with Dot I discovered that her father was a United Church Minister at the Cochrane Street United Church in St. John's NL. When I remarked to Dot that my mother Elsie's family lived on Cochrane Street her face lit up as she remarked: "We have two wonderful things in common, Cochrane Street and Gail!". I had many many great conversations with Dot over the years until her passing.

When Gail introduced herself to you and asked if you wanted to be her friend you most likely became a BFF. But whether you were a long time best friend, a casual acquaintance, a work acquaintance or someone she just met Gail made you feel welcomed immediately and with such grace that you thought you were her BFF. 59 years ago when Gail asked Bev if she wanted to be her friend they both became joined at the hip. Many schoolgirl sleepovers were standard, so were midnight horror movies at Gander's Cresent Theatre. Gail always said she and I met when she was 4 and I was 8. I was in a school concert that I can't recall but she and her family attended. I always asked if she remembered the night because of my performance or because her maternal grandfather Jake slammed the car door on her tiny 4 year-old hand, LOL I never did get an answer to that. But our friendship prevailed despite absent times. And until recently we celebrated our birthdays, our retirements, Gail and Gord's wedding anniversaries and of course Christmas and New Year's. When I required facial reconstruction surgery Gail drove me to the Halifax hospital and stayed with me until I was wheeled off, she picked me up two days later. When Gail required eye injections or chemo it was my turn to drive her to Halifax. We had many a frank discussion about cancer and treatments, both hers and mine. Being Gail's friend brought your and her immediate families into every discussion with genuine interest in every member. In a telephone call today [Monday, May 30, 2022] my caller Walt said "How could you not like Gail!" as we reminisced about our Gander and airlines days. How true my friends!

I recall when Gail found out she was accepted by Eastern Provincial Airways as a flight attendant, pardon the pun, but she was flying high that day. Her first day flying with Eastern Provincial Airways was Monday, January 29, 1973. Based in Halifax, Montreal, Toronto and Sydney Australia she enjoyed it all. It didn't hurt that she had some great roommates over those 25 years of in-flight service, they mentored her and she mentored them too. I had a great 2 hour phone call today [Monday, May 30, 2022] with her roommate Judy in Halifax and Montreal. Whether she was an in-charge or not on a flight she tackled the job with zest. She put her all into it to make sure her passengers were happy and satisfied with her service. With her fellow co-workers on a flight she gave respect to them and she certainly got their respect in return. Eastern Provincial Airways, Canadian Pacific Airlines, Canadian Airlines International and Air Canada carried her 25 years until her retirement.

It seemed that Gail, her brother Dave and I were joined at the hip when it came to enjoying ourselves whether it was in Gander or on some travel jaunt. I was reminded of this today [Monday, May 30, 2022] when I had an email from a retired Eastern Provincial Airways flight attendant, our dear friend Val from St. John's NL living in Sydney Australia. Haha, everytime Val saw us she called us "The 3 Musketeers of Gander"! Our travel jaunts saw the 3 of us in Barbados, Mexico, Greece and Egypt, Brazil, Puerto Rico, Hawaii plus others. Our 2 trips to Barbados saw at least 12+ Gander and/or airline people join us each trip. It was only recently at a cabin on the Northwest Gander River in Central Newfoundland that I found myself reminiscing about our second Barbados trip with a former Eastern Provincial Airways co-worker Doris and her husband Paul. Our first trip to Hawaii Waikiki had about 24+ Gander and/or airline people join us. We were also joined in Hawaii on one of our trips by Gail's brother Perry and his wife Sandy along with Gander friends Norma and Doris. When Gail was based in Sydney Australia with Canadian Pacific Airlines I planned 2 of my back-to-back annual trips to Hawaii to coincide with Gail's layovers in Honolulu. Mexico saw us in Acapulco with Gander friends Jim and Fabian. Brazil saw just the 3 of us in Rio where one night I got offered a job as an entertainer at a major hotel on the beach, but that's a whole other story. Greece saw us take a cruise out of Athens with Jean and Donna. We visited Alexandria and Cairo in Egypt and the Greek islands of Rhodes, Crete, Santorini and Mykonos. As Mykonos was our last cruise ship stop before Athens we disembarked and stayed an extra 3 weeks on the island. When the 5 of us exited the ship's tender to make our way to our hotel we were met by an elderly gentleman from the hotel. He took our bags placing them in a cart pulled by a donkey, a novelty to the 5 of us for sure. As we made our way up the hill from the landing quay the donkey needed our help so here we were dressed to the nines because we were airline employees helping this gentleman and his donkey as we pushed the cart up the hill. I can still picture this and hear the laughter! I could relate a million more stories of our travels but I won't. Needless to say these were wonderful times that "The 3 Musketeers of Gander" enjoyed immensely and the reminiscing has kept the laughs going right up until today.

When Gail's husband Gord asked me if I would put some words together to possibly be included on the Donald Walker Funeral Home website I spent some time thinking of my approach to this. No one wanted a newspaper style obituary, that wasn't mine to write. Gord knew how close Gail and I were. Donnie I met through Gail and Gord when I first moved to the Halifax area in 1988. Now there are some stories too that we'll leave for another time. As I started to write this I started to recall many memories piqued by phone calls from my brother Phil, Gail's BFF Bev along with Gail's roommate Judy and Gander friend Walt. Numerous emails included many Gander and Eastern Provincial Airways friends and my siblings Marie, Paul and Kev. Private Facebook messages and 100's of Facebook comments from so many gave me much inspiration. I appreciated every piece of correspondence and I know Gail would have appreciated them too. Thank you for this opportunity Gord and Donnie to write about my dear friend. While an Alcock Cresent Ganderite girl has moved on the memories sure remain. To my devoted friend my final words here: "Gail, do you know just how loved you were?".

Written by Gerard McCarthy

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  • 02/23/2023

    Our thoughts and prayers are with the family and friends of Gail, who was loved life and always brought a smile with her in her daily outings.

  • 02/20/2023

    It is with sadness that both Anne & I feel with the passing of Dr. Mahaney only to learn Gail had passed away also. With much respect to what Bev has so kindly shared so many wonderful memories we also miss Gail's wonderful kind personality that truly brighten our day each and every time we met.

  • 02/20/2023

  • 07/12/2022

    Just found out that Gail passed away. Gordie I am so sorry for the loss of your very special lady. Thinking of you and your family Bev Denton.

  • 06/17/2022

    I knew she was sick but I can't believe she's gone. Someone who was always full of life and laughter can't be. A friend once saw a picture of her and said ," she looks like fun." She was and I will miss her. I almost texted her the other day as we did over these past years and I remembered she wouldn't answer. I'm sad and don't know what else to say. Joanne Bussey

  • 06/13/2022

    Grimes and Mahaney Families,. Gail was a long time friend, since we were little girls playing with dolls when we happened to be visiting Aunt Flo the same time. Gail lit up the room when ever she walked in. May the sharing of your memories bring all of you comfort and peace and give you renewed strength for the coming days.

  • 06/10/2022

    Lots of good memories of Gail.♥️ She was such a fun Ganderite girl to hang around with in the late 60s. I was saddened to hear of her passing. Sincere Condolences to Dave, Perry & all Gail's family. Denise (Kelly) Small Vancouver, BC

  • 06/08/2022

    Gordon: We were so sorry to hear of Gail's passing. Sincere sympathy. She will be missed. -Shirley and Harry MacDonald

  • 06/07/2022

    Gordon and families, with sincere condolences , am saddened to hear of Gails passing, what a joy to be around , always a laugh, she will be missed, RIP old friend Jim Snow

  • 06/06/2022

    A Few Words to My Aunt Gail (a poem) They tell me you're not here anymore, Gail. But I don't know what they're talkin' about. They tell me I have to write somethin' for you, Gail. But I don't know what to write. They tell me there's gonna be a funeral for you, Gail. But I won't be goin'. I won't be goin' to no funeral, Gail. Because you're not gone. You didn't die, Gail. I can hear your voice clear as a bell in my head. And I'm talk'n to you right now, Gail. But, if it's not a good time, I can call you again tomorrow. I really hope you pick up the phone, Gail. 'Cause I'm just not ready to let you go!

  • 06/06/2022

    To the Grimes and Mahoney families, I offer my sincere condolences to you all. I have many fond memories of the time we spent together, most of which were at 1 Alcock crescent. So sorry for your loss, Christine (Hearn) MacKinnon

  • 06/05/2022

    Gord, Perry, Sandy, Dave & Family, I'm saddened to hear of the passing of Gail. Gail & I spent many years flying together and needless to say; we had many laughs "in the clouds!." I hope the support from your family & your many friends helps to ease some of your sorrow. In Friendship, Karen Pierce

  • 06/05/2022

    Good bye Gail, you were a good role model for me in many ways , and you made me a better flight attendant . So generous, humorous, and with the ability to handle tricky situations , thank you .

  • 06/05/2022

    To Perry and Sandy and all of Gail's extended family please accept our condolences. What an amazing life Gail has had. Every memory of Gail I have is one happiness and good times and parties. Love from Dwayne, Tammy and Tyler.

  • 06/05/2022

    Perry, Sandy, Dave, and Gord Gail was definitely a beautiful soul that leaves us much too soon. RIP Sincere condolences, Denise Melanson

  • 06/05/2022

    To Perry,Sandy,and Dave and all the kids not to mention Bev and of course Gord and family ....I am heartbroken about Gail and there are really no words but I think Gerard said it wing woman has now got the greatest wings ever. Lots of hugs and love to the families Gail Joy

  • 06/05/2022

    I am shocked and saddened to hear of Gail's passing. We had many laughs together in our younger years. My deepest sympathies to Gord, Perry and Sandy, and Dave. She was so much to so many and will live on in all of the wonderful memories. Rest In Peace 🙏

  • 06/05/2022

    Gord, We were saddened to learn of Gail's passing. She was always pleasant and welcoming at your office. Our deepest sympathies to you and your family. The McInroy Family.

  • 06/04/2022

    To Gord, Perry, Dave and families. Gail's passing has left such a void in our lives but the memories will last forever. I remember Gail from 'old' Gander and later she Bess became close friends. She brightened up any room she entered and her personality was truly infectious. So many memories but a very special one was when I was in London with Lukey's Boat; Bess had come over for awhile and one day Gail showed up! We all made a trip together to a friend of hers in Dovercourt and had a blast - a very special time! Please accept our deepest condolences - Gail will be in our hearts forever. Neil and Bess Bishop

  • 06/04/2022

    Gail's smile and laughter would light up the room. Our deepest condolences to Gord, Perry, Sandy, Dave, and all the sons,daughters,nieces,and nephews. David Andrews and Gloria Barter

  • 06/03/2022

    Gail...What a privilege it waste know her. My sincere condolences to Gordon and families. My thoughts and prays are with you..Jill Taylor

  • 06/03/2022

    Gail...a privilege to have known her. My condolences to Gordon and families. My thoughts and prays are with you. Only time can dull the pain.

  • 06/03/2022

    So sorry to hear the news of Gail's passing. My thoughts are with the Grimes family and Gail's husband. Mary Story

  • 06/03/2022

    Gord, so very sorry for your loss, our kindest thoughts are with. Sincerely Ron and Lorna Matthews

  • 06/03/2022

    Sorry to hear of Gail's passing. My condolence to the family. Gordon Taylor

  • 06/03/2022

  • 06/03/2022

    Gail was a very special person, kind, caring, with a great personality. She will be missed, and I offer my deepest symapthy to her entire family!! My thoughts and prayers are with you all❤️❤️❤️ Much love, Dianne Milley❤️❤️

  • 06/02/2022

    Dear Gord I am sorry to learn of Gail Passing! Please know you will be in our prayers! Linda and Jerry! Long time friends!

  • 06/02/2022

    So very very sorry to hear that Gail has passed.....please accept my condolences. ....a beautiful person indeed.....RIP Gail .......Denny Mullins.

  • 06/02/2022

    Gail and I started flying together with EPA..for many years and Airlines. When you worked with Gail it was never dull..I'll remember her laugh always and especially her joy of life. My since sympathy to Gail's family at this sad time.

  • 06/02/2022

    Lots of laughs flying with Gail over the years. With deepest sympathy. Celeste & Buzz Smith

  • 06/02/2022

    Her smile was infectious and she gave it freely. She made everybody feel special to her. I trained with Gail in 1973, she was a part of our airline family. Even before that, Walt knew Gail from growing up in Gander as the younger sister of Dave and Perry. No words can stifle the grief of Gail's passing. We send our deepest condolences to the Grimes family, to Gord, his and Gail's family and to Gail's many close friends. Lorraine and Walt Vatcher

  • 06/02/2022

    Dr. Mahoney, so sorry to hear of Gail's passing. Gail was always so friendly and welcoming, certainly always up for a good laugh. Thank you for your great service over the years. Take care and God Bless . Larry Arsenault

  • 06/02/2022

    Gail was one of the special ones...always so gentle and kind. Sending heartfelt sympathy to her close family and to all who mourn her loss. Rest in peace dear Gail. ❤️

  • 06/02/2022

    Dr Mahoney and family,I am so sorry to hear of Gail's passing.She was such a lovely person and I enjoyed talked to her while in your waiting room.

  • 06/02/2022

    So many memories over the years growing up and being friends with the Grimes family, remembering Gail since her younger years. She will be missed. RIP Gail.

  • 06/02/2022

    Aunt Gail. It's hard to express your impact in words. All my life, you always had a way of making me feel special and loved. Even when we were far apart, I felt it. I will never forget this. Your big, loving voice filled rooms and hearts. You were one of a kind. A rarity. Honest and true. Authentic and unforgettable. We will all miss you dearly, Gail, and so will the world. -Tim Grimes Nephew

  • 06/02/2022

    David, Please accept our sincere condolences on the passing of your sister. We have met Gail on occasion through you and Betty. She was a real fun lady and we are sure you will miss her immensely . Hugs, Bob & Muriel Hinkle

  • 06/02/2022

    I'm so sad to hear about Gail's passing Dr.Mahaney... thinking of you all xo Alexandra Cross

  • 06/02/2022

    Dr Mahaney and family so sorry to hear of Gail's passing. She was a wonderful person, our thoughts are with you at this time. Our sincere condolences to the family.

  • 06/02/2022

    Deepest condolences to the family of the late Gail Grimes, especially to Gordon. David Jenkins

  • 06/02/2022

    I was shocked and saddened to hear of Gail's passing. My deepest condolences Gord.

  • 06/02/2022

    Very sad news indeed. Condolences to Gail's family and friends. Gail was one of my favorite F/A's and always mad me laugh when we saw each other at YOW. Sincerely, Rod MacTavish

  • 06/01/2022

    So saddened to hear of Gail's passing. Our thoughts & prayers are with you Dave, Perry & Sandy & family, Gord & family. May all the special memories you have of Gail help you through the days ahead. RIP Gail! Larry, Christine Bussey & family

  • 06/01/2022

    Perry, Dave and all of Gail's family: I was sad to hear that Gail passed away! I grew up on Alcock Crescent and my mother worked for Grimes Jewelers' for years! Mom always spoke fondly of Gail and I remember Gail as a sweet and funny person. She will be missed by all who knew her. Please accept our heartfelt condolences at this difficult time. Verna & Bill

  • 06/01/2022

    To Perry, Dave and Grimes families, and to Gail's extended family. I was so saddened and surprised to hear of Gail's passing. I have many fond memories of my times spent with, and growing up with the Grimes on Alcock Cres. Gail was such a loveable and wonderful person. She reminded me so much of her mom Gwen (RIP). Sincere condolences. Bert Waterman Ottawa ON

  • 06/01/2022

    Perry and all the Grimes family: so sorry to hear about Gail's untimely passing. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all at this sad time. George and Una.

  • 06/01/2022

    So sorry to learn of Gail's passing. From the time I taught here in grade x1 at Gander collegiate, we became friends. I did not see her much, but when we did it was a pleasure. Condolences to the whole family. RIP, Gail.

  • 06/01/2022

    We were saddened to hear of Gail's passing. She was a Joy to be around. Our thoughts are with you Gordon and all your family at this time . Hugs Sharon and Alex Cross

  • 06/01/2022

    Perry and Sandy Grimes Please accept my sincerest condolences on Gail's passing. John French

  • 06/01/2022

    Gail, thanks for the memories. Growing up in Gander for few short years, and later visiting you and Gord in Waverly, you always were such a fun filled gal, and a fabulous hostess. You felt like family since my sister married your Uncle Rex. My sincere condolences to Perry and family, Dave and all who have lost a dear friend. I share your grief. Soar with the angels Gail. Judy Spinney Beck.

  • 06/01/2022

    RIP Gail! ♥️

  • 06/01/2022

    Sending condolence, Dr. Mahaney. Such a vibrant GAIL. She certainly met the world with a zest for life and concern for others. Your soul mate and partner will always be with you and others. Hugs Donna and Deanna Perry

  • 06/01/2022

    We were saddened by the news of Gail's passing. Many pleasant chats were had with her while waiting to see you Dr. Mahaney. Our thoughts are with you. Sending sincere sympathy to you and your family. Donna & Larry Gibbons

  • 06/01/2022

    My dearest cousin, you lit up every room and were the best company. I only wished we didn't live so far apart and I had more time with you. My hugs and love to you, Gordon. She loved you so much. Dave and Perry, I'm so very sorry. A sister is an extremely difficult loss. I will always cherish our time together. Family and friends, I join in your grief. Sue Grimes Freestone

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