

Shirley Elizabeth Mcivor

Passed 01/31/2023


Obituary For Shirley Elizabeth Mcivor

It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Shirley Elizabeth Mcivor.

Shirley McIvor 83 of Musquodoboit Harbour passed away peacefully at her home in Lower Sackville on Tuesday, January 31, 2023.

Born in Musquodoboit Harbour, Shirley was the daughter of Lawrence and Lily Jean McIvor. Shirley worked for the Halifax Provincial Governnent where she was well known and loved. Shirley was a beautiful, kind and considerate person.Shirleys family, friends and beloved pets is what she cherished most in life. She always took care of those close to her without expecting anything in return. Shirley was grateful for the simple things in life like a good homecooked meal, friends, company and a laugh or two. Shirley lived for the moment and didn't let things bother her. She enjoyed life. Shirley was passionate about her faith. She enjoyed getting all dressed up and going to church on Sundays. She had a lot of people in her life including great great neices and nephews, cousins, friends and her important life long friends who she spent time with and spoke to often. Shirley never forgot a birthday and always had a card & gift to make you feel special. She enjoyed knitting, loved bowling and was an avid womens league bowler. Shirley loved to cook & bake.We will all miss her chocolate chip cookies she always had at the ready.

Some of our best memories were created during our routine holiday and birthday gatherings at Shirleys home and her turkey & ham dinners. Shirley was always making sandwiches & desserts for church functions, fairs,baby showers and more. Shirley took with her a wealth of knowledge of the eastern shores history and its families,which came with living in Musquodboit Harbour for 82 years.

Shirley was predeseased by her parents Lawrence & Lily jean Mcivor, Sister Laura (Don), brother Vic (marie),sister Gloria Biso.

Shirley is survived by her great niece Katrina & children, great neice Kara (Percy) & children, great nephew gregory( Leah) & children, Neice in Law Christina Philpitt,Cousin Bob(robert) Gorden (susie) ,great nephew Matt Gorman,Great Neice Kayleigh biso and Nephew Arthur(Blake) Biso.

Memorial Service will be at held at United Church of Canada First United in Musquodoboit Harbour 7964 hwy 7 on Thursday February 9th at 2pm. Burial of cremated remains will be at a later date.

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  • 02/07/2023

    This is a beautiful tribute to a very kind and generous woman. This lovely lady was one of my mother's nearest and dearest friends since youth. Shirley and my mother maintained a lifelong friendship until my mother's passing two years ago. One of Shirley's greatest joys was her great nieces and nephews. She was always so proud of their accomplishments, whether big or small. Who ever wrote this tribute captured the very essence of Shirley. She will be remembered fondly and missed by many. My condolences to all who loved her.

  • 02/06/2023

    Condolences to Shirley's family. I have known her my entire life, she was one of my mom's best friends from youth until my mom's death. Mom loved it when she dropped in for her visits and I as well if I happened to be there. She truly was a loving person in the joy she took of her extended family. You were all so blessed to have her in your lives. May you find peace in the memories of her love for you.

  • 02/05/2023

    I can hear Shirley in my ear saying "it's not a bother & I'm not going to worry about it, no i will get the dishes later". Shirley knew I loved lemon pie, so for the last almost 38 yrs, Shirley always made me a lemon meringue pie for all our family get togethers. I'm really going to miss her (and my lemon pies) ❤️

  • 02/05/2023

  • 02/05/2023

    Our Deepest Condolences to the families what a wonderful tribute to her to a wonderful person who was well loved.she was a beautiful person may she rest in peace. My thoughts are with her family who she loved so deeply.

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