

Johanne Simone MacEachern

Passed 04/24/2023


Obituary For Johanne Simone MacEachern

It is with great sadness that the family of Johanne Simone MacEachern (nee Landreville) announce her passing after a long and courageous battle with cancer. She passed away peacefully at the Victoria General Hospital in Halifax, NS on April 24th, 2023, surrounded by her family. Born in Montreal QC, on March 4, 1954, she was predeceased by her parents, Bernard and Micheline (Brien) Landreville, and her younger brother, Frederic (Josey).

Johanne is survived by her loving husband and best friend of 46 years, Peter. Her beloved son, Christopher (Kendra) and her two closest friend’s and sister’s, Nancie (Louis) and Nathalie (Keith). Johanne loved spending time with her nephews and nieces including; Olivier, Nicolas, Kim, Audrey and Bernard.

Johanne was an avid world traveler. She spent 32 years as a flight attendant with Air Canada where she made countless friends and ever lasting memories. Johanne certainly enjoyed her retirement, especially at the dog park with her black lab, Bika and spending the winter months, with Peter in Boca De Tomatlan, Mexico.

To Johanne, Peter and Christopher were everything. While balancing an ever-changing work schedule, Johanne was always involved in extra curricular activities, such as managing Christopher’s soccer teams or hosting the annual MacEachern Christmas Eve party. Often Johanne could be seen at the field in uniform before flying the red eye to her usual destination of London, England.

Johanne embodied everything it meant to be a Wife, Mother and Friend and left a every lasting impression on everyone she met. She faced every battle head on and with a smile on her face. To say she was courageous would be an understatement. She always had a way of seeing the best in the worst situations.

The family is forever grateful for the kindness and care shown to Johanne in her final weeks by the Nursing staff in Palliative Care Unit at the VG, especially Darlene and to the M.A.I.D unit for their incredible compassion. The family also wishes to recognize, Dr. Stephanie Snow, Dr. Howard Conter, Dr. Nadine Hewitt, Devon Hennigar and close family friends, Heather, Paul, Kathy, Jill and Suzanne who were always there to lend a helping hand.

Plans for a celebration of life will be announced in the near future.

Remember Mom, “Always with you”

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  • 2 TREES

    Louis et Nancie planted 2 trees in memory of Johanne Simone MacEachern . - 05/03/2023


  • 05/06/2023

    Johanne was always a joyful spirit❤️

  • 05/05/2023

    My deepest sympathies. I worked with Johanne at the beginning of my career as a flight attendant. I loved working with her. She was always smiling and so very proud of her family. May she rest peacefully and may her family find solace in the many memories.

  • 05/05/2023

    My deepest condolences to Peter, Christopher and the rest of the family. I flew with Joanne for many years and we had a lot of fun and much laughter. She was a beautiful lady inside and out!

  • 05/05/2023

    Please accept my condolences. I have fond memories of Johanne during my time in Halifax. She was always a pleasure to work with. Yvonne Plummer

  • 05/05/2023

    Toutes mes pensées pour toi Nancy, Nathalie et ta famille , je sais à quel point vous étiez tricotées serré , je n'ai volé qu'une fois avec Johanne et , je ne l'oublierai jamais , elle était exceptionnelle de gentillesse . Bon courage

  • 05/05/2023

    My heartfelt condolences to Peter, Christopher and Bika and her many friends. May you Rest In Peace Johannesburg.

  • 05/05/2023

    J'ai souvent travaille avec Jojo et n'ai que de bons et beaux souvenirs d'une femme extraordinaire qui aimait la vie et son travail!Mes plus sinceres Condoleances a toute la famille Bashful Bob Brunet ;YUL Purser.

  • 05/04/2023

    Mes sincères sympathies à vous tous!

  • 05/04/2023

    My sincere condolences to Peter,Christopher,Bika and family. Johanne was a beautiful person and a great friend. I have many fond memories. Johanne would visit we sat on the dock chatting, laughing, having tea and Johanne's home made oatmeal cookies. Bika on the other hand had her on plans for an unscheduled swim. Johanne you will be missed by all. Rest in peace. Joan Darrah (Willie)

  • 05/04/2023

    Our deepest condolences To christopher, peter n bika. Our memories of her will always be with us,she was an amazing friend,loving, caring,funny lady with a FRENCH spunk in her lol She taught joan n I how to put a devae on her bed and yours christopher we laughed that day. Sure gonna miss her n our laughs. The fur baby's will certainly miss her n her treats at the park..4ever in our 💕 Mj n John n sheba

  • 05/04/2023

    What an amazing person Johanne was. Dennis and I feel privileged to have known her. Hoping that Peter, Christopher, Nancie and Nathalie will find comfort knowing that she is no longer suffering and that she will be missed by many people.

  • 05/04/2023

    Sorry to hear this , Wonderful Lady for sure , We sure did have lots of fun When our kids played hockey, After hour Get togethers with the girls ,Might of been A Few Drinks Involved,Sending Hugs to Peter And Chris.

  • 05/04/2023

    So sorry to hear of Joanne's passing 😥,Sincere Condolences to her family,Joanne was a fighter when it came to her illness. I met Joanne through card nights at Gillian Morrow's,it was always a fun night with lots of laughs and hilarious stories that would be told,R.I.P my friend,Heaven has gained a beauty angel,fly high♥️

  • 05/03/2023

    My heartfelt condolences to Peter, Christopher, Natalie, Nancie and the rest of the family. Before I had my son I asked her how she managed to fly all night, arrive home to young Christopher and stay up with him. Her response was so simple and so natural ("You love them and you just want to do it.") that it clicked for me and I realized that I could do it too. Years later we coincidentally were at the same resort in Mexico and I witnessed her immense love for Peter and Christopher. She was an inspiration.

  • 05/03/2023

    i remember johanne as a very kind and caring individual. I always enjoyed flying with her. She was so professional and you could tell how she enjoyed her passengers. I will say a prayer for her soul heather maclean

  • 05/03/2023

    Sincere condolences to Peter,Christopher,Nancy and Natalie. Johanne was a very special lady in so many ways.The kind of lady that touches everyone's life. Je vais toujours me souvenir de Johanne . Judith Duhamel

  • 05/03/2023

    I am heartbroken but feel so fortunate to have known Johanne. She was an incredibly strong and beautiful woman. I will always cherish the memories, laughs, love and support she's shown me. She was the most amazing wife and mother to her son Chris, who I have the immense pleasure of sharing my life with. I love you forever.

  • 05/03/2023

    My sincere condolences to Peter, to Chris and to the entire family. I was very sad to learn of Johanne's passing. We spent many mornings in the company of fellow dog walkers at York Redoubt, rain or shine. Her compassion, her determination, her sense of humour, and her courage will have a good place in our memories. (And I'm sure the dogs won't forget the endless supply of treats that emerged from her pockets!) Rests in peace, Johanne.

  • 05/03/2023

    It was a pleasure to know and to spend time with Johanne. Peter, Chris and family are in my mind ant this sad time. She will be missed by all who knew her. May she rest in peace. Bud Rowe.

  • 05/03/2023

    There was so much to love about Johanne . . . -Her warm and welcoming smile -Her incurable optimism and reassuring words in challenging times -Her generous contribution of time and talents to various community activities -Her irreverent sense of humour -Her over the top lawn decorations at Halloween -Her open door policy with all the neighbourhood children -Her warm hospitality even if you dropped in unexpectedly and inconveniently -always an extra plate of food or glass of wine magically appeared -her sense of wonder when people did crazy things I'm sorry we lost touch over the years as our boys grew into adulthood but I'll never forget her beautiful soul and generous spirit. Peter and Chris, we (Kate, Ben, Desta and I) are thinking about you and mourn with you. Leonard Preyra

  • 05/03/2023

    Our deepest condolences to the family. We have fond memories of Johanne at soccer matches and events. Paul and Joanna Pugh

  • 05/03/2023

    We at Dial-A-Tire are so sorry for your lost Johanne was a very special lady and customer of ours. She was so funny when she would come to the shop. We will miss her very much. The staff at Dail-A-Tire.

  • 05/03/2023

    Dear Peter. Please accept sincere condolences . Got to know you and Johanne through Bika. As one of your "dog " friends we discovered how our childhood was similar though we never met. Johanne is now at peace at a "higher altitude". Regards, John Stewart and Sid.

  • 05/03/2023

    For a man hoping to be part of the Landreville family, you soon realized that you will live forever in the boundaries of the love between the 3 sisters. JoJo , I' ll be forever thankful that you accepted me so generously in your circle and teached me year after year the meaning of courage , loyalty and the power of love , Bon vol JoJo!

  • 05/03/2023

    Sending our love at this sad time to Peter , Christopher and family , Johanne was a shining star 🌟 Bernice and Arnold Doucet

  • 05/03/2023

    So sorry to hear this very sad news.

  • 05/03/2023

    My deepest condolences to Peter and Pip pip. Johanne and I were friends, co-workers and new mother's together and for the first few years of the kid's lives, spent a lot of time together and shared quite a few laughs over our inexperience. A funny, caring woman who loved her family to bits and was a wonderful friend. I hope her boundless love for you will comfort you and keep her close. Serena

  • 05/02/2023

    Bob et moi offrons nos condoléances à toute la famille. Elle s'est battue jusqu'and dernier, elle est maintenant en paix et sans souffrances. A Peter, Christopher, Nancy et Nathalie, rappelez vous de tous les beaux souvenirs qu'elle vous a laissés!

  • 05/02/2023

    My biggest condolences to Peter,Christopher and the rest of Johanne's family, I am one of her Thursday night card players..oh did we laugh at that table, she is and will always will be missed! She certainly put a new meaning to the word " tenacity " rest now Frenchie! XO MaryJane

  • 05/02/2023

    My deepest sympathies to Peter, Christopher, Nathalie, Nanci , Bika, Johanne's family and friends and all who love her and whose lives were blessed with her love. She will be remembered and missed for all the joy she brought to others with her kindness, humour and loving presence. I met Johanne at our apartment complex nearly five years ago after moving to Halifax . We were 'parking friends' as we were next to each other in our parking spaces, where we spent much time chatting and sharing our stories.Johanne was warm and friendly and made us feel so welcome. Her love and devotion to her family was inspiring. A bright light is gone from this earth. Though her physical presence will be greatly missed, I know she will live on in the hearts and minds of everyone whose lives she graced. Sincerely Nina MacDonald Chiasson

  • 05/02/2023

    I met Johanne 8+ years ago as part of the "Gillian Morrow" card group. We would have hilarious evenings every two weeks. Johanne was certainly no wilting violet in the humour department. She is already terribly missed. My condolences to Peter, Christopher and the rest of her family. Sandy Gordon

  • 05/02/2023

    I am filled with sorrow, yet I'm grateful for so much. Johanne was a gift to us all. She was as fierce as the wind, deeper that the ocean. I will miss my big sister, my best friend. She is in my heart and forever will be. Notre petit loup. Nathalie

  • 05/02/2023

    J'aurais voulu avoir le talent pour écrire un livre, une chanson ou un poėme pour célébrer l'exceptionnelle personne que tu étais....mais mille mots ne suffiraient à décrire la merveilleuse mère, soeur, amie collègue... Tous ceux qui ont eu la chance de te connaître n' ont pas besoin de mots pour le réaliser, quand on a eu le privilège d'être dans ta vie , on ne peut que remercier le ciel d' avoir été témoin des valeurs que tu as transmises, le courage , la bienveillance, la générosité , la droiture. Quant à moi je serai éternellement reconnaissante d'être ta soeur et grâce à tout ce tu m'as appris , je tenterai de toujours être à la hauteur , Amour pour toujours ma Jojo, Nancie

  • 05/02/2023

  • 05/02/2023

    My sincere condolences to Peter, Christopher, family and many friends. I was always happy to work with Johanne, and see her at different functions over the years. She was a ray of sunshine, and had that french spunk that gave her the courage to fight. Always spoke about her precious Christopher. My thoughts are with you. She will be missed. Linda Geffroy (Buchanan)

  • 05/02/2023

    My heart is with you at this time. I love you, and I'm here for you. I send you love and peace. Josey Landreville

  • 05/01/2023

    Our sincere condolences to Peter, Christopher and the rest of Johanne's family on your loss. She was a beautiful and caring lady and she will be missed by all who loved her. George and Marilyn Fraser

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